Forty years ago, a young Aldo Bensadoun – son of a shoe merchant, grandson of a cobbler – set out to realize a dream. Armed with passion and a deep-rooted understanding of the shoe business, he envisioned a different kind of company, a brand that cares. Aldo Bensadoun pledged to build his company on a commitment to compassion, ethics, and understanding the customer in order to offer them the best possible products and services. Since 1972, this philosophy has fuelled the ALDO Group’s constant innovation and steady striving to be the best it can be for its customers. Today, the ALDO Group is one of the world’s leading fashion retailers, with more than 20,000 associates worldwide and nearly 200 million customers visiting the stores each year. Specializing in the design and production of quality, stylish and accessible footwear and accessories, the ALDO Group has an unsurpassed knowledge of the shoe retail busines. While all distinct in character, the ALDO Group family of brands all beat with the same heart – an energetic core containing the spirit and vision of one man and his dream.