Bridge between appearance and reality, unique to every individual, common to a class, section, change in mood hour and weather, could produce subtle nuances of a basic definitive quality. The essential distillate of a persona, (Gandhi’s dhoti/spectacles, Churchill’s cigar, Chaplin’s walking stick, Beatle’s hairdo, Jackson’s moon-walk). Emotions frozen in time and space (strokes of Rembrandt). Attire reflective of a person’s feelings, stations, status and standing. Mark of maturity. The focus of one’s qualities, A taste of one’s sensibility. Identity card, disc, etc., bearing the owners or wearer’s name, etc. – establish his identity. The brand spells its identity right from its spelling I-D-E-N-T-I-T-I , and the three “I”s here spell Self-Awareness, Self-Assurance and Self-Esteem. The most important phase of human evolution is its youth and it is this period that shapes the personality and IDENTITI that he/she carries till end.